Valle de Santiago
Located approximately two hours from Guanajuato, this town is part of the zone of influence of the Chupicuaro ethnic group; witnesses of this are
Located approximately two hours from Guanajuato, this town is part of the zone of influence of the Chupicuaro ethnic group; witnesses of this are
In the southeast of the state of Guanajuato is located this authentic region of Tarascan origin; “the place where the water enters”. Tarandacuao has
Recently we explored Magical Town of Aculco, which is even and hardly known among Mexicans! Its origin dates back to prehispanic times, when the
Mexico is without a doubt an amazing country, full of wonders that many people don’t even know, its natural attractions are just amazing: natural
Chichen Itza is a legendary mayan city due to its importance as a cultural and political centre of the old civilizatiob. It was claimed
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